Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Jan 3rd

This morning after breakfast we drove to the grave site of Paula and David Ben-Gurion.

This is David's tomb.
After that we took a short drive to Havarim where we hiked along the dry creek bed. This is an ancient water reservoir. You can see how it was cut at perfect right angles into the rock.

This shows how the water cut away the rock.

After the hike (all of our hikes were downhill) we drove to a farm near Moshav Talme Yosef which is really close to Kibbutz Sde Boker. It's a bio farm, meaning that they use very very little pesticides and herbicides. The first greenhouse we entered grew tomatoes. Delicious tomatoes. We got to run around and try them all.
I think this one is a cherry tomato.
This is actually a habanero pepper which I promptly put into my mouth.
I seem to have forgotten what all of the tomatoes were called but I think this one is a watermelon tomato.
The Moshav also breeds homing pigeons. I was actually holding one before it flew away and then I took this picture.

After leaving the farm we drove to Kfar Hanodkim, a Bedouin camp, where we got to ride donkeys.
And then camels.
And then we were treated to "Bedouin hospitality". Bedouins never turn away a thirsty traveler, often inviting them to stay for a few nights before continuing on their weigh. They offer 2 cups of freshly roasted and ground, sweetened coffee. The first is one sip and the second is two sips which is an offer of conversation and welcome.
Bedouin cat.

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